• Generosity

    "When the fruit of generosity is cultivated in us, we offer no resistance to evil, turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and hand over our cloaks..."
  • Mary and Modesty

    Modesty is an essential base for humility, by this fruit we learn to be content with what is required of us and do not harbor any ambitions or pride in any achievements. We give glory to God and accept His Holy Will...
  • What's in a Name?

    "The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that everyone's name is sacred. The name is the icon of the person. it demands respect as a sign of the dignity of the one who bears it" (No 2158)."
  • Joy and the Little Way, part 4 of the fruits of the Holy Spirit series

    "...whereas Joy, as the etymology suggests, is of Divine origin, a grace seeded within us, flourishing in good times and in hard times. It does not waiver, for it is Spirit given and is the fruit of trusting God."
  • Live by the Spirit of Patience

    Patience-"A form of the moral virtue of fortitude. It enables one to endure present evils without sadness or resentment in conformity to the will of God."
  • Live by the Spirit of Charity

    Charity, as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, is the highest form of love and one of the three Theological virtues. It is a Holy Love for God and neighbor that has no desire for a reward. It is a participation in God’s unconditional love and, it is, as St. Thomas Aquinas defines, to will the good of another.
  • Offer it Up!

    "...the essence of Catholicism; for as Catholics we believe suffering is a good thing (not easy but good). It is a gift from God to sanctify our hearts just as gold is purified in fire. Consciously offering up your trials and uniting them to God's Will is the way of the cross."
  • Live by the Spirit of Self-Control

    "It is the fruit of freedom. It frees us from sin and guilt by giving us the strength to choose what is good and holy and by these choices grant us the freedom to enjoy a healthy body, mind and soul."
  • Focus on the Fruits!

    ..."things that are evident in a person's life demonstrate what is really in their heart."
  • Purgatory is Real!

    Why Catholic believe purgatory is real.