We develop both vice and virtue with our reason and will through consistent engagement with any given thought or action. 

Aristotle and Aquinas describe habits as a “quality” and qualities are difficult to change. When a person habituates themselves to the evil of any vice or to the holiness of any virtue, the repetitive action changes the quality of their soul.  

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the soul has lower and higher powers. The lower powers include the sense appetite, divided into the concupiscible appetite (seeking pleasure, avoiding pain) and the irascible appetite (seeking difficult goods, avoiding difficult evils). The higher powers—reason and will—should govern the lower powers.  

Lust arises when the concupiscible appetite for sexual pleasure overrides reason and will, disrupting the proper order of the soul. 

The consequences are dire. Our Lady of Fatima proclaimed, “more souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.   

What are the Daughters of Lust

According to Pope St. Gregory the Great, the capital vice of lust spawns eight daughters. St Thomas expounds on these clarifying how these daughters pervert reason and will. The capital vice of lust and her corresponding daughters convince the conquered heart to continue to indulge itself on pleasurable goods, especially sexual pleasures.   

The Eight Daughters of Lust

1. Blindness of mind: perverts reason because simple understanding, which apprehends some end as good, is hindered by lust, according to Daniel 13:56, “Beauty hath deceived thee, and lust hath perverted thy heart.”  

2. Thoughtlessness or Inconsiderateness: judgment about the things to be done is hindered by lust. For it is said of the lustful old men (Daniel 13:9): “They perverted their own mind . . . that they might not . . . remember just judgments.” 

3. Inconstancy: Lust hinders a man's reason and prevents him from doing wat needs to be done. 

4. Rashness: Counsel about what is to be done for the sake of the end is also hindered by the concupiscence of lust. 

5. Self-love: On the part of the will there results a twofold inordinate act. One is the desire for the end, to which we refer “self-love,” which regards the pleasure which a man desires inordinately 

6. Hatred of God: while on the other hand there is “hatred of God,” by reason of His forbidding the desired pleasure. 

7. Love of this World: when a mans will is solely focused on pleasures a man desires to enjoy 

8. Abhorrence or Despair of a Future World: when man despairs of that which is to come because he is not connected to God.   

We must run from Lust! 

Lust must be fought both spiritually and physically since it often arises involuntarily, leading to frustration and despair among us Christians. Modern times exacerbate this struggle, with constant exposure to sexual content making it nearly inescapable. Lust, like gluttony, provides a temporary escape from life's troubles but ultimately leaves the soul in danger. Despite frequent falls into lust or its temptations, it is through God's grace and our acceptance of that grace that victory is achieved. 

St. Therese of Lisieux tell us to run to God when we are confronted with temptation as a child would run to its parent for protection from a wild animal.  

“Do not imagine that you will overwhelm the demon of fornication by entering into an argument with him. Nature is on his side and he has the best of the argument. So, the man who decides to struggle against his flesh and to overcome it by his own efforts is fighting in vain. The truth is that unless the Lord overturns the house of the flesh and builds the house of the soul, the man wishing to overcome it has watched and fasted for nothing Offer up to the Lord the weakness of your nature. Admit your incapacity and, without your knowing it, you will win for yourself the gift of chastity.”  -St. John Climacus   

Chastity is the virtue that takes on the battles of lust. 

"Chastity is the dignity of the body, the ornament of morality, the sacredness of the sexes, the bond of modesty, the source of purity, the peacefulness of home, the crown of concord. 

Chastity is always modest, being the mother of innocence; chastity is ever adorned with modesty alone, then rightly conscious of its own beauty if it is displeasing to the wicked.  

Chastity seeks nothing in the way of adornments: it is its own glory. It is this which commends us to the Lord, unites us with Christ; it is this which drives out from our members all the illicit conflicts of desire, instils peace into our bodies: blessed itself, and making those blessed, whoever they are, in whom it condescends to dwell."   

How to cultivate Chastity and overcome Lust 

Confession: Through confessing these sins, we acknowledge our weakness and ask for God’s strength. We should not worry much about shocking our priestly confessor either, for the priest is also a man 

Prayer: When we are first aware of the initial stirrings of lust, we had better immediately seek God’s help, through a prayer that is very swift and powerful: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.” 

Avoid the near occasion of sin: be vigilant about what movies and TV programs you watch, what you view otherwise on the Internet, and what you read as well. This also includes being mindful of the people who are your close friends. 

Penance and Mortification: Jesus stated:  “Some devils can be expelled only through prayer and fasting.” Small renunciations educate our will to be able to submit our instincts and passions to reason. It is worth making small sacrifices often. It is a matter of contradicting our will in order to strengthen it, so that when we are faced with the possibility of sinning, we may be strong enough (with God’s grace) to say no to sin. 

Study and Reflect on Church Teachings: Regularly read and meditate on the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding human sexuality, chastity, and the dignity of the person. 

Develop Healthy Habits: Engage in healthy activities, such as exercise, hobbies, and volunteer work, to redirect your energy and focus away from lustful thoughts. 

Practice Modesty: Adopt a modest attitude and dress code, recognizing that modesty in behavior and appearance supports a chaste lifestyle. 

Seek Spiritual Guidance: Find a spiritual director or confessor who can provide guidance, accountability, and support in your journey towards chastity. 

Ask the help of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, who are great examples and intercessors regarding chastity. 

Avoid Laziness: One of the primary reasons why so many young people have serious problems with Internet porn and self-abuse is because of excessive free time, boredom and easy access to impure websites.