The Essence of True Freedom 

Freedom can only be found in the truth. What is truth? Jesus tells us, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Who is the Father? God. Who is Jesus? The Word of God, God in the flesh. The way, the truth and the life are the Word of God and the Word of God is the Law. The Law is Freedom. We are His creation. We are the images God had in His mind, made flesh. 

Operating Within Divine Laws 

He created us and everything through His Word and everything exists in Him and through Him and follows a set of laws. Operating outside these laws brings about death. If we jump off a cliff in disobedience to the law of gravity we will die or at least be greatly injured. This is His design and how things work. We all long for freedom and in this article, I will attempt to make clear that true freedom can only be had in obedience to God’s laws both physical and moral. 

Discovering Physical Laws 

Let us start with the physical laws of nature. God has placed in us a desire to learn about and understand our environment. He wants us to explore and discover the mysteries of His universe and give us a share in His creation. As a species we didn’t always understand the laws of nature but as we evolved, we unraveled the threads of the universe, uncovering its hidden laws therefore increasing our freedom. 

Moral Laws and Divine Guidance 

For example, electricity always existed. One could see it in a lightning flash in a storm but it was by discovering the laws of electricity that man was able to harmonize himself with them and gain the freedom of light. With each discovery of the laws, we gain more and more freedom of movement, creativity and communication. God leaves us to discover the physical laws for ourselves but because of the fall of Adam and Eve, the first act of disobedience to His Word, in His love for us, He tells us the moral laws—not only tells us what they are but commands us to observe them. 

Living Under God's Law 

Some would argue that we are subject to the physical laws of nature but not subject to the moral laws of God, believing the 10 commandments are optional. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The moral laws are, just as much as the physical laws, are statements of how things work. For example, the law of justice is just as much a law as gravity. Gravity might be easier to understand, but that doesn't make it more important. Following it brings benefits, while ignoring it can have serious consequences. The same goes for justice. If we ignore it by, say, stealing, the law of justice still applies. We might think we're breaking the rules, but in reality, we're breaking ourselves. 

Embracing Obedience 

When God imagined us and brought us into being through His Word, he had a plan for our life and as reflected in Psalm 119, our true purpose for existing is revealed in obedience to God’s moral laws. It portrays obedience not as a restriction, but as a pathway to eternal life in heaven with God. Obedience is where the soul finds comfort in righteous living. As the psalmist proclaims, "I follow your commands, for you have set my heart free" (Psalm 119:32). Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). 

Insights from Theological Scholars 

In his renowned work "Confessions," St. Augustine reflects that true freedom arises not from self-rule, but from harmonizing our free will with the God’s divine will, where obedience becomes the pathway to genuine liberation. Similarly, St. Thomas Aquinas, in his influential work "Summa Theologica," delves into the concept of natural law, asserting that moral order is ingrained in creation. He argues that adherence to these moral laws fosters authentic freedom—not freedom to do as one pleases, but freedom found in conformity to divine order. For Aquinas, obedience to God's law is not a limitation, but a gateway to flourishing, enabling individuals to fulfill their inherent purpose within the grand design. 

Conclusion: True Freedom in God’s Will 

In conclusion, true freedom is intricately intertwined with truth, a truth embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. He proclaims Himself as the way, the truth, and the life, revealing the path to the Father, who is God. Jesus, the Word of God incarnate, embodies the divine Law, which is the essence of freedom. As His creation, fashioned in His image, we are called to align ourselves with His divine will. Just as physical laws govern the universe, so too do moral laws dictate the order of existence. Disobedience to these laws leads to death, just as defying gravity results in physical consequences. Yet, in His love for us, God not only reveals but commands obedience to His moral laws, guiding us towards true freedom. Obedience, far from being a restriction, is the pathway to liberation and eternal life.