This is our 11th installment of our Fruits of the Holy Spirit Series, and it is time to discover and learn all about Kindness. I chose kindness this month of November because it is dedicated to praying for the holy souls in purgatory. It is a true act of kindenss to pray for them because they can not pray for themselves and they really need our prayers to get into heaven.

As we know, the “Fruits “are the good things that come from the Spirit’s indwelling. Each Fruit digs deep into the human condition because God established each one Himself for us to recognize our own evil actions and to understand how much we need Him to grow in holiness. The fruits are the character of God working within us.  Kindness, then, is the disposition we should have toward others, propelling us into loving action when we recognize the needs of another. It could be a physical, mental, social, or spiritual need. A kind person will help to meet that need in some way without expecting anything in return.  

Kindness is rooted in humility. It seeks after that which is best for the person in need. God is kind because He always has our best interests in mind. His main concern for all of us is our Salvation and all His activity is meant to lead us to heaven with Him if we cooperate. The greatest thing we can do for our neighbor is to lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ. We do this by the example of the lives we lead. Kindness, of which, needs to be at the forefront. It breaks down any barriers a person may have when they are treated with kindness. It opens the door to a fruitful relationship where each person is filled with love of God.

The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy clearly show us the path of kindness. They lead us to the greatest good we can do for anyone. These, if preformed with a sincere love for God, will manifest our kindness. It was Jesus himself who gave us these works in order that we might embrace them and lead others to Him.  

The Corporal Works of Mercy 

1) Feed the hungry 

2) To give drink to the thirsty 

3) To clothe the naked 

4) To harbor he homeless 

5) To visit the sick 

6) To ransom the captive 

7) To bury the dead 

The Spiritual Works of Mercy 

1) To instruct the ignorant 

2) To Counsel he doubtful 

3) To admonish sinners  

4) To bear wrongs patiently  

5) To forgive offenses willingly  

6) To comfort the afflicted  

7) To pray for the living and the dead.  

God showed us His kindness by Christ's example in humility. The saints all throughout the ages also give us amazing examples of true kindness. St Francis comes to my mind first. He was an ordinary human, just like us, who became a great saint because of his kindness. Never underestimate the power of kindness and your own ability, filled with the Holy Spirit, to lead others to a life of lasting happiness. Remember, then, these works of mercy and that it was our Lord who ordained them. Pray about them and seek Him to grant you the want, the desire and the ability to carry them out.  

References:  Microsoft Word - Lesson 16 - The Holy Spirit's Gift- Fruit of Kindness (