Welcome to our 9th installment of our ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit series! This month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and I chose the to explore the fruit of goodness because she is the exemplary model of goodeness.
“God is infinite goodness. Goodness seeks nothing except to give of itself and to communicate the riches which it enjoys” (The Soul of the Apostolate). As a fruit of the Holy Spirit, goodness as defined above, is the closest we get to Godliness. Through meditating on the seven sorrows of Mary we can come to understand the extent in which the Holy Spirit operated in her soul and the complete giving of herself she offered not only to God but to all of humanity.
The Bible tells us that the word ‘good’ means holy, pure and righteousness. Our hearts must be pure for our actions to be seen as good in the eyes of God. Many “good works” are performed out of hearts full of guilt, obligation, vanity, or self-serving motives expecting something in return. This is not goodness, and it is important that we regularly examine our hearts to discern our true motives; Our Lady of Sorrows can help us do this. Invoke her under this title and she will reveal your defects and help to purify your heart. At the presentation of our Lord in the temple, Simeon proclaimed to the Blessed Mother, "Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed"(Luke 2:34-35). It is when we are able to see, humbly admit, and confess our defects that our hearts become fertile grounds for the fruit of goodness to grow.
Goodness is holiness in action where deeds are motivated by righteousness, a desire to please God, and to be a blessing to others. It’s a moral characteristic of a Spirit-filled person. It is not a quality we can manufacture on our own. God is good and through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, God reproduces His goodness in our hearts, and it shows in our lives.
Here is what the bible teaches us about Goodness, grab your bible, invoke our Lady of Sorrows, and follow along and write down any insights you may have in your journal.
1) A good deed treats others justly and endorses virtue. (Luke 6: 45)
2) It is good to spend time with Jesus and learn from him. (Luke 10: 42
3) It is good to be faithful with the blessings given to you by God. (Luke 19:17)
4) When wronged, it is good to do good to those who wronged you. (Luke 6:27)
5) We can’t be good on our own. (Mark 10:18b)
6) Goodness does not come from human effort. (Romans 7: 18-19)
7) Our good works are ordained by God. (Ephesians 2:10)
8) God grows goodness in us. (Philippians 1: 6)
9) Studying Scripture promotes goodness (2Timothy 3:16-17)
-In what way is goodness a fruit of the Holy Spirit? (compellingtruth.org)
-The Soul of the Apostolate, Jean-Baptist Chautard