In this month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will learn about Generosity as a fruit of the Holy Spirit and how one can become an expression of God’s boundless love in the lives of others. I thought it would fit because the Sacred Heart is the epitome of generosity.
Generosity is the fruit of a heart transformed by the love of God and emerges from His goodness. At a base level, it is a noble trait to give freely, but, as a fruit of the Holy Spirit, generosity ripens into a remarkable expression of Christian selflessness. Genuine generosity is a state of being in which one goes the extra mile to be of service to God and others, whether it be material, or through the gift of time, attention, or care. It is a total gift of self. When we give as our Lord teaches us, we truly deny ourselves. In this way, we imitate Jesus and extend ourselves to all whom God places in our lives, even our enemies, for He died for them as well.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy’. But I say to you, ‘love you enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of the heavenly Father, for He makes the sun rise on the bad and the good…” -Matthew 5:43-45
When the fruit of generosity is cultivated in us, we turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and hand over our cloaks (Matthew 5:39-42). This type of generosity is only possible with the Holy Spirit. Even if one doesn’t feel that they have that much generosity within them, I promise that as baptized Christians, the seeds have been planted. When you take baby steps and seek ways you can serve your neighbor and your enemies, the Holy Spirit will move in your life, revealing opportunities and opening doors that you never thought were possible. A good place to start is though your prayer, especially for your enemies, praying for their souls and salvation. As the Spirit leads, your generosity becomes a response to His promptings and filled with His goodness there will be no expectation of anything in return. Confidence and trust in God’s providence will grow and dispearse any anxiety you may have. When you allow the Spirit to lead, He perfects your generosity and you then participate in the work of God. The more you give, the more you receive and so the more you can give again.
How can you become and expression of God's boundless love in the live of others?
1. Realize that all you have, your life, time, and talents are a gift from God so that you can freely use them for His purposes.
2. Develop a relationship with the God through reading and contemplating Scripture and spending time in silence so that you can hear His 'still small voice'. In this way you will know what the Spirit wants you to share with others. Then "Do whatever He tells you"
3. Share your time, treasure and talents for God. Donate to your parish or other charities that reflect your values or maybe there is a neighbor, friend, or family memeber that needs help.
4. Schedule in prayer time, maybe once a week, for your enemies or those whom you have a strong aversion. Pray for their wellness and salvation. Reflect on how their influence is bringing you closer or futher away from Christ.
5. Be open to the Holy Sprit and ready to respond to what or who He sends your way.
6. Contemplate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and all of it's qualities and ask the Lord to make your heart like His